Savings and Investments

Tips For Selecting A Savings Account

Perhaps you have a New Year’s Resolution to open a new savings account this year. With so many products on the market, it can be quite confusing when looking for the right savings account. The Money Advice Service have some tips on how to narrow your search for the right savings product...

Charles James Named in FTAdviser's Top 100 Financial Advisers 2018

Charles James Financial Planning is delighted to announce our inclusion into FTAdviser’s Top 100 Financial Advisers 2018!

Brexit: The state of Play

With the outlook for Brexit constantly changing, the significant progress made on an exit deal this week takes us a step closer to leaving the EU, but what comes next?

Autumn Budget Recap 2018

We look through the key points from the Autumn Budget, with a focus on taxation, housing and welfare.

No-Deal Brexit: Pensions, Savings and Mortgages

Just seven months remain until the UK leaves the European Union, and with an ever increasing chance of a “No-Deal Brexit”, we take a look at what that means for you.

Get Advice Before Withdrawing From Your Pension

Pensions freedoms have brought financial flexibility for those entering retirement age, however you must be aware of the consequences of withdrawing lump sums from your pension pot, especially if you plan on doing so before retirement age.

35 Year Olds Should Have Double Their Salary in Savings

According to a leading investments firm, workers should have double their annual salaries in savings by the time they reach their mid-30s.